Chip shops


In a country where a cone of chips is the king and mayonnaise is the queen, changing the traditional Belgian chip shop may seems like a risky endeavour. But the city of Brussels has decided to take up the challenge by launching a futuristic renovation project for certain “fritkots” - the Flemish name for chip shops.

Do you know the humble origin of the chip?
According to some Belgians, chips were born in Namur, in the south of the country. The inhabitants of the city used to fish for minnow in the Meuse river and fry them. During a particularly harsh winter in the middle of the 17th century the river froze and the locals couldn’t fish for their local delicacy. Instead, according to Pierre Leclerc, they cut potatoes into the shape of little fish and ate them, although he admits this tale is unlikely to be true.


Where are they located?

Friterie Tabora, Rue de Laeken
Opening hours: 11.00 to 16.00
Pita de la Chapelle, Place de la Chapelle
Opening hours: 12.00 to midnight
Friterie Place Arthur Van Gehuchten
Opening hours: 11.30 to 20.30
J. Vandervaeren Boulevard du Centenaire
Opening hours: 11.00 to 20.00 (in summer) 11.00 to 17.00 (in winter)
Friterie Rue Charles Demeer
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 11.30 to 14.00 and 17.00 to 21.00
Friterie Place Peter Benoît
Opening hours: Wednesday to Sunday 17.00 to 21.00


A question ? A suggestion ?

Commercial Activity Unit

Rue des Halles, 4
02 279 25 30

Open by appointement : 

Click here 

Field of activity:
Information on street trading.